Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why do you decide to write a research paper about "fraternity and sorority"?

"Fraternity and sorority is one of the common case of our teenagers nowadays. These have many disadvantages. It will lead them to danger or even to death. There are still teenagers like me and they still have many roles in our community that help them have a brighter future. These are just a bad influence to our innocent teenagers. They will be just a victim to these fraternity and sorority.

"Fraternity and sorority" is the topic that fits my research paper in the case of our teenagers nowadays. I choose this topic because I want the teenagers to be aware and know what these things really are. Fraternity and sorority influenced there lives a lot. They thought that these can help them improve their lives and these will lead them to the road of fame. Most of our teenagers also had many problems especially those who are rejected join in this kind of group and treat these as there new family because they are accepted. They believed that this is the way to escape from problems. The presence of camaraderie is also there. Many of our teenagers were victim of these. Through my research paper, they will realized and broaden their mind to these.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My experience as a cathecist is unique because it is different from my other experiences. In this experiences, I did sacrifices. We communicate with others and the new people around you. We had to adjust in our new community. It is not easy to adjust because all things are new to me.

I had many expriences as a cathecist. Since it's my first time, all things are new to me. Me and my group were assigned in grade two. I thought pupils are easy to manage but it's not. They're so naughty and playful (but that's the being of the children). They can't understand english well so we have to speak more on dialect. We also find it hard to translate all the things we discussed into dialect. We also bonding moments with the children. Even if it is hard, I also enjoyed it.

Being a cathecist is not a mere duty. It is a responsibility that makes everybody as one. It needs patience and love. We don't just take it for granted. This responsibility is not possible without the guidance from above.

It's my first time to be a cathecist. Since it's my first time, all things are new to me. Me and my group are assigned in grade two. I thought the pupils are easy to manage but it's not. They're are so naughty and playful (but that's the being of the children) be continued..!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The World Wide Web is very important nowadays. It will help you if you want to be informed about the latest news worlwide. It also help you to get informations about everything through the search engines in the internet. The World Wide Web also bring you some entertainment. It is very useful in any means.

What are your new insights about the senior life this past two months?

Being a senior is not easy. There are many responsibilities. There are also many roles to play as a senior. Many stresses that arived almost everyday. Those responsibilities and roles shall be fulfilled so that we may serve as a model and an inspiration to our fellow students.

There also things or moments that makes our senior life enjoyable and unforgettable. There are classmates that makes us laugh and cry. The teachers are there to guide and gives us many lessons everyday. Also our fellow students that inspires and encourages us like our friends and elders do. They're one of the important people and a part of my senior life.

I, as a senior, should do my very best to be all I can be. Be an inspiration, a model, and a true Marian student. I can't do these without my parents and all the people around me. Everything is a treasure to me. I can't waste everything I learn and earn in every moment of my senior life. These can help me acheive and reach my goals